I’ve finally decided to start a blog. For years people have suggested that I start blogging. Many of them have used the argument that the president of our nationally sponsored denominational college needs to be blogging. I suppose this is what finally got me thinking about it.

Recent studies have shown that a large percentage of college and seminary presidents blog—even more than corporate CEOs. A blog helps supporters of their institutions know what the president is thinking, what his vision is, what his theology or philosophy is. It also gives the president an opportunity to reflect on happenings on campus in a more informal way than would be seen in a typical news release.

On this blog, I’ll be talking primarily about Christian faith and life—how Christian belief affects our lives and families and churches, and what that looks like when it intersects with the world around us, with culture. When one looks at my confessional commitments and calling, one sees that the Free Will Baptist tradition is my vantage point for the church’s faith and practice, and that leadership and education are my vantage points for much of my consideration of culture. And those come together in my calling as president of Welch College.

So, much of the material I post on this blog will be just plain and simple Christian spirituality, discussions about what the Bible and the Christian tradition have to say about how to live out the Christ-life in a way that’s centered on the gospel and driven by the Word, in the context of family, the church, and culture.

Then there will be other reflections I post on this blog that are aimed at the intellectual life: intellectual or theological reflections on some aspect of the church’s faith and practice and its relation to culture. At other times I’ll share the results of my scholarly research with my readers. And, of course, I will keep my readers abreast of Welch College and its mission.

I encourage readers to share their thoughts with me (by clicking on the link above). I’d love to hear how I can make this blog a more profitable—and enjoyable—reading experience. [1]


[1] For readers who wonder why this blog doesn’t have comments, my reason for this is much like Seth Godin’s, whose post “Why I don’t have comments” I would encourage you to read: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2006/06/why_i_dont_have.html