I occasionally listen to the White Horse Inn podcast and like most of what I hear, especially when it comes to the subject of the church maintaining kingdom values and priorities in the midst of contemporary secular culture.

The White Horse Inn is run by Michael Horton, one of evangelicalism’s leading theologians. I first encountered Dr. Horton when I read some things he wrote on the Calvinist doctrine of perseverance several years ago. As a result, I asked him to write the “Classical Calvinist” chapter in my book Four Views on Eternal Security. Horton is one of the brightest minds in the church today, and despite our differences on the doctrines of salvation and the church, we have much to learn from him.

An example of this is a recent series of podcasts the White Horse Inn produced on youth ministry. I encourage my readers—especially pastors, youth and family ministers, and lay youth directors—to go online and listen to each of these podcasts. They feature guests who are deeply involved in the ministry of discipling young people.

It is encouraging to listen to people who have a heart for youth and are not giving up on youth ministry in a time when many churches are doing away with targeted youth ministry. Yet Horton and his guests, while not jettisoning youth ministry, are moving away from the pragmatism and generational segregation of much recent youth ministry toward a more biblical-theological approach.

Thus far there have been four podcasts in the series:

Youth Ministry in Crisis


The State of Youth Ministry


Keeping Our Kids, Part 1


Keeping Our Kids, Part 2


They have also provided a study kit to go along with these episodes, which includes resources and material not included in the podcast:
